Montessori education is a continuity of a self-construction process from one developmental plane to the next. In Montessori, there are 4 developmental planes before a child reach adulthood. These are 0-6 years, 6-12 years, 12-18 years, and 18-24 years. It is necessary that parents choose JWM for their children starting from the earliest stage (Primary level or Toddler level). The child's character formation during the first plane of development lays a strong foundation for the continuation of self-constructing process during the succeeding planes. This is the only way children fully benefit from Montessori education.
Admission Priority
Primary level: Priority is given to siblings of current students' and 3-year-old children. The admission of children 4 and 5 years of age without prior Montessori education will be considered on case-by-case basis. Please fill in the online application/waiting list to apply in advance. The application will be considered on the first-come first-serve basis.
Elementary & Adolescent level: Priorty is given to our current students. Admission for children from other schools will be considered on case-by-case basis.
Admission Procedures
Submit Application Form
Schedule a school visit
Pay registration fee
Schedule a teacher-child meeting
Schedule starting date
Required document
1. A copy of Birth Certificate
2. A copy of household record page
3. Two-inch photo (3)
4. Report from previous school (if any)
5. A copy of Immunization Record
Please contact our office for the
current tuition fee.
Tel: (66) 89-886-7471